Wednesday, June 10, 2009

LoSt iN oUtTeR sPacE

Just jamm'n to some Dave Matthews the long awaited new CD. I am confused about the idea of becoming "33". Unsure if 33 is old enough to finally feel right about my opinions or old enough to know when to keep my mouth shut. I was down for a few days a week ago. Let me set my point of view before I explain the situation. My No.1 belief is all things happen for a reason. No.2 Words are spoken from strangers who catch you off guard, because it's irrelevant to the person speaking the words they are just the messenger. It makes you think, sometimes gives comfort but it is all knowledge. No.3 never bring negativity to the table, energy is and always should be a positive never a feeling of doubt. No.4 Never tell yourself you can't do anything cause can't never did and wont never will. No.5 If you believe you can, you will. If you want it you will seceded. So now you know the kind of person I am, A guy who I have become pen pals with for a little over a week, So I introduce myself and a little about me. I said, "I am a struggling artist." he said, "you know you have become what you wanted to be when your doing what you like." He said, "there is no struggle when you have achieved it, you have become it"
I am everything I wanted to be....Sigh and a smirk on my face I became humble, Some sort of enter peace over come me.


  1. I haven't gotten the "know when to shut your mouth" thing right. The world always gets the unedited version of the real me. This sounds like it should be a great thing, but I often put my foot in my mouth and have to face consequences for the things I say. Anyways, that's coming from a 34 year-old (always going on 60). I hope your 33 year is a fantastic one!!!!

  2. PS the work is great!I specially lobe the blue ones. How big are they?
